Day of judgement. (YouTube Notes)
ACTS 2:17
And it shall come to pass in the last days, Says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your son and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams
Come and see. Come and hear. Come and understand why THE LORD IS GOOD!
I was in the spirit once again and I found
myself in the midst of my confusion and scattered
As I asked Abba to speak to me, I saw the heavens open like a wave of clouds above me.
It opened just us the waves opened for Moses and God's people to pass.
Moses was like a friend to YHVH, hearing His voice like a gentle whisper and tightly holding on to His promises!
I saw my bridegroom standing in between these open clouds!
Do not be afraid and above all, do not get Discouraged for I have Encouraged you about these coming times since the days of my 1st departure. THUS, heed my words and look to my promises, For I will provide for you just as I provided for Moses and my people in the desert. I will open up the heavens just as I opened up the waters in those days for you to be able to come and experience my glory & wonder in the coming days. DO NOT BE AFRAID! DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED! I WILL PROVIDE!"
Rev 3: 10-11 (TPT )
Because you've passionately kept my message or perseverance, I will also keep you from the hour of proving that is coming to test every person on earth. But I come swiftly, so cling tightly to what you have, so that no one may seize your crown of victory.
MATT 24: 4-5 (TPT)
Jesus answered, "At that time deception will run rampant. SO BEWARE THAT YOU ARE NOT FOOLED! For many will appear on the Scene claiming my authority or saying about themselves 'l am the anointed one', and they will lead many astray.
Though false teachers may come. Though it may be hard to decern right from wrong. We must always fix our eyes on Jesus for He and He alone will be our refuge and our promise. WE MUST KEEP SEEKING HIS FACE!
Just as the Israelites were spared in Egypt through the blood of the lamb, so we, as sons of God, will be spared and protected being marked by the blood of Jesus.
I am not putting a day/hour on the coming of Yeshua, but rather warning those of you who aren't ready and assuring those of you who are that OUR GOD WILL MAKE A WAY!
MATT 25 shows us that there will be people who don't have enough oil gathered to be able to meet the bridegroom on His day of arrival. DON'T LET THAT BE YOU!