Yeshua awoke me from a deep sleep. As I decided to start worshipping my King and walk with Him so that He could show me the riches He has for His people, something felt completely different in the atmosphere and environment in the spirit. It wasn’t the same as I remembered from my previous times walking and worshipping with my Bridegroom. It didn’t feel right.
After I asked the Lord to increase my discernment and strengthen my spirit to understand what was happening, I immediately saw Satan for who he was. I wasn't taking a walk with Yeshua like I’m used to. Satan was trying to intercept the spiritual inheritance I was about to receive, the glory I was about to enter into. Either to use it for his kingdom or to defile my thinking and push his agenda.
I tried to step back and go to the place where I usually meet with the Lord, and I thought I saw Him there. But I had to look behind the veil to see the demon trying to imitate the image of my God. I was very overwhelmed and didn’t know how to escape from this evil or how to get to the right place to be in the presence of the King. I immediately cried out for a cleansing of my thoughts, spirit, mind, soul, and body.
From the back of my spirit, a familiar feeling and voice started to drown out all the evil standing in front of me - Yeshua. He was there all along and He did not leave me. It was a confirmation of the word in Deuteronomy 31 that He will never leave us nor forsake us. After discerning the difference between light and dark, the voice of my King became much more apparent. And I heard Him say:
Now, you can imagine my surprise, as I expected, in these circumstances, that He would swoop in and blow away the enemy from before my face or suffocate me with His presence so that the enemy wouldn’t be able to touch me, but He did not do that. He allowed me to see these events as they were presented before me for a reason
“And no wonder, for even Satan masquerades as an angel of light.” 2 Corinthians 11:14 TLV
I heard the Lord say:
Don't be afraid my child, for I am showing you these things only for a time. For you to warn my heirs and to protect yourself from the most confusing and hidden snare that the enemy sends to my people. DECEPTION. For too long my enemy has toiled with you and and deceived you so that you miss the riches and the glory which I so long to impose upon you. For too long He has made it "impossible" for you to seek my face and to receive from my spirit, but nothing is impossible with me, didn't I tell you that in my word?
The Lord is calling us to run, not from the enemy, because we have much more authority than they do. He is calling us to run away from deception and confusion, for those things don’t come from Adonai.
We are in an age where deception is ever-present and ever-increasing. We must stand strong and increase our spirit with discernment and knowledge so that we leave no room for any deception to run rampant in our souls. The only way I knew that I was being deceived by the enemy was that I could distinguish the Holy atmosphere and environment of Yahweh from the dark and concerning ones that the enemy establishes to seem daunting, even though he is the puniest of the puny.
We, as sons of God, need to spend more time with our Creator and increase our certainty in Him. Without certainty, the enemy will always be able to take control over our minds, and the increasing agenda that the enemy is already pushing onto the church is the control of the human mind. Don’t make it easier for him. We have been given dominion over this earth, and it’s our choice whether or not we are going to give Satan his power.
So go, cover yourself with gold refined in fire to act as a faraday cage. Go and put on the full Armor of our King, the Armor of light. The Lord's will for us is to prosper and receive His healing, treasures and dominion which He has already freely give us. Don't miss your inheritance because of Satan. His judgement has already been rendered in, above, below throughout and around every heaven and earth. He has no authority in the presence of the King. Don't give him that authority!
I leave you with the following scripture:
“Who may go up on the mountain of Adonai? `Who may stand in His holy place? One with clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted his soul in vain, nor sworn deceitfully. He will receive a blessing from Adonai, righteousness from God his salvation. Such is the generation seeking Him, seeking Your face, even Jacob! Selah” Psalms 24:3-6 TLV